Refund Policy
Last updated: April 18, 2024
At InTrends, we strive to provide our users with quality services that keep them informed of the latest trends. We understand that in some cases our services may not meet customers' expectations. However, according to our Terms of Service, we do not refund subscription fees.
Subscription Cancellation and Token Refunds
Users must manage their own subscription and tokens and are responsible for any purchases made. Subscription cancellation is possible at any time, but the amount paid for the current subscription period and the cost of purchased tokens are non-refundable.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or problems related to your subscription, please feel free to contact our support service at the following addresses:
General inquiries: If you have general questions or suggestions, write to us at
[email protected]
Technical support: For issues related to the technical aspects of using the site, contact us at
[email protected]
Enterprise: For discussing the terms and opportunities of the Enterprise tariff plan, contact us through
[email protected]
Investments: If you are interested in investment opportunities or collaboration, write to us at
[email protected]
Development: If you have found bugs or critical bugs in the operation of our site, report them to us at
[email protected] for immediate consideration and rectification
We value your feedback and strive to improve our service based on your responses.